A couple of weeks ago, I printed off monthly calendars throughout the months March to June. I blue tacked them onto my wall above my desk and filled out all the dates when I have exams. This motivates me to get work done, as each time I cross out a day done, I can see how close I am to my next exam. This is really helping me realise how close they're actually becoming, resulting in me really knuckling down.
The next thing I do is something I don't think many people consider. I used to change straight into my pyjamas or a lazy outfit as soon as I got back from school. However, I've come to realise that for me the way I dress affects the way I work. If I'm dressed lazily, I'm likely to work lazily too. So I've started to change out of my uniform and into something comfy yet casual. I find this really helps.
To-do lists are my saviours. Writing down a list of things to do honestly makes productivity so much easier because watching each thing being crossed off the list is ever so satisfying to do. It's like releasing a wee that you've been holding in for a very long time, you know?
Lastly, what I like to do is work in a clean space. Clean room clean mind am I right? I shouldn't really be saying this right now actually, because as I'm writing this my room in an absolute WRECK. But!! I think I should be excused, as I had a 5-hour art exam and I'm using this evening wisely to do NOTHING. (Oh and to write this blog post).
On that note, I better get productive and clean my room!
What are your productivity tips that I could put to good use?
Lauren xx