Wednesday, 7 September 2016

How to balance blogging and school/work #Teenageteam

I'm back with Jade for another addition to our "The Truth About Teenage Bloggers" project. Today we're going to talk about balancing school and blogging, but this can also relate to those of you who don't go to school anymore and are either working or doing other time-consuming things. But this post is very much aimed towards teenage bloggers. One thing that I want to stress is that although blogging is amazing, ultimately school and education should always come first. Let's just get straight to the main points, shall we?

Find one night a week that you can dedicate to writing. Pick a day where you know you don't have much on or any other commitments, and use that time to write. You could just write one post, or even multiple if the creative juices are really flowing. But know that even writing one post a week is great and that it's about quality, not quantity. If you don't feel like writing, then don't push yourself because your writing won't be to your best ability! I've started writing blog posts in bed on my iPhone notes before I sleep, because that's when I get the most ideas and when I feel like writing the most. Okay, it may not be the most conventional way, but it works for me! Find something that suits you and your schedule.

Schedule ahead you posts in advance. This means that you can get work and school done without stressing about having a post up if you can't find the time or energy to write. You could be someone who can storm out 3 blog posts in a week, but if you then find yourself struggling, maybe you could spread out your posts more to give you some leeway. As much as seeing a blogger post regular content is great and exciting, I for one don't get upset if posts only come out once a week or every two weeks. We understand that the people behind these blogs have a life, and you shouldn't stress about letting your readers down. You should come first always.

Only write posts if you know you haven't got other things to do. I myself won't write a blog post until I know that all my homework and revision for the day is done. You need to make sure to prioritise what is important to you, and for me, making sure school work is out of the way is very important.

Plan out your day. Recently I've been bullet journaling, and it's really helped me with organising my time. You can plan when work needs to be done, what you want to achieve in that day, and track your daily goals. You can even buy a daily planner from places like Paperchase, which gives you each hour of the day. You can then allocate slots in your day for when you want to do certain tasks, for example blogging and revision.

These are just a few ways you can balance blogging and school /work, make sure to go to Jade's Blog for her post too!
Lauren xx



  1. Thank you so much, this post was so useful since I'd always found it a little bit difficult to balance out school and blogging. I think that scheduling and prioritising are so important and can really help out when juggling school with your blogging schedule. Great advice given here and I'll definitely be looking back at this post when I need some guidance!
    -Olivia Xxxx

  2. Oh my god thank you for writing this. I really needed some advice on how to manage blogging and school. THANK YOU!!!
    - Sarah🌙

  3. I always plan my posts for the month so that I can pre write posts, thanks for the helpful tips! xx


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