Sunday, 8 November 2015

World Kindness Day: Part 1

World Kindness day is this upcoming Friday, the 13th of November (Friday the thirteenth, ooh spooky), and there's so many things you can do to make that day count, to make someone smile. You never know how someone could be feeling, and the smallest action could instantly pick up their mood for a good five minutes if not a whole day, or even a whole week!

There are so many things you can do, and here are just a few:

  • Donate some money to charity.
  • See a homeless man/woman on the street? Don't just walk past, give them some money, or even buy them something to eat. It doesn't take much.
  • See someone selling balloons in the street? Buy one and give it to a kid, their face will light up and be so happy, trust me!
  • Go sit next to that old lady or man on the bus or train, have a talk to them, ask how their day has been!
  • It doesn't take much to give a busker a bit of your loose change. 
  • Got a few pounds on hand? Put a few coins towards the coffee for person behind you.
  • Write a note with a happy quote or a nice little message and leave it where someone can pick it up or see it.
  • Offer to take a picture for the group of people struggling to get a good selfie, those people always come in handy. 
  • Tell that girl who's really pretty what you're thinking! Like her lipstick? Tell her!
To do my part, from today I'll be writing as many small and happy messages as possible and post them through a load of letter boxes in my local estate. Thinking about it now it sounds a bit creepy, but hopefully a reminder to be happy and kind will make people smile.

What are you going to do to spread kindness?
Much love,

© Tea Stained Lauren. All rights reserved.