Thursday 5 November 2015

My head wants to live in the future

My head is always living in the future, I'm always wondering what's next. Instead of focusing in the now, I turn to spending hours googling University courses, picturing my dream house, considering the steps I want to take to pursue my dream career, when I've still got so much time ahead of me to get all that stuff sorted. I'm constantly thinking what can I do to do this and that, to be this, to achieve that, when in reality I'm not sure if I'm focused on how I'm living my life now. Instead of thinking of all the grades I need to get, why aren't I thinking of how I can push myself to get there today, rather than worrying about my future? I'm so worried about things that aren't going to happen for years to come, but it's like an obsession. It's like I'm consumed by the thought of success, happiness and growth, like I want to be there right now. I'm in a rut. I'm always thinking bigger and better, and it makes me wonder, will I ever be happy with now? Is this a problem or is it normal? I don't know, but I need to take a step back and relish my life as it is now.

Do you dwell in the past, you live in the now, or are you focused on the future like I am?
Much love,



  1. I can definitely relate to every thing you said in this post! Sometimes I don't think about it at all and other items I spend days thinking about the future. I worry about some of the most silly things that seem so important now but really aren't! I think it's to do with the pressure of growing up to do a lot of things sooner rather then later such as driving or going to uni but its important to remember to do things at your own pace!

    Don't sweat the small stuff otherwise you will drown x

    1. I feel under so much pressure to do well it's often overwhelming! But it's true, I shouldn't be sweating on the small stuff, because I can already feel it pulling me under!
      Lauren xx

  2. When I was younger, I wished I was an adult... Now I'm 20, I wish I was little again. It's funny how our thought processes change as we get older. Honestly, I am terrified for the future and put off thinking about it, probably why I am stuck in such a rut now.
    Constantly worrying about the future is normal though, well, until you reach your twenties and you're like "..Oh crap, I'm meant to actually do something with my life now? HOW TO ADULT?"

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

    1. Hahaha, I get told all the time that by the time I'm in my twenties I'll want to be young again, but it's hard to think that way when I can imagine all the things that I want to achieve and get over with! I better slow down and be happy with how life is now (: I don't know if I want to adult XD
      Lauren x

  3. I really relate to this! I'm constantly worrying about whether future me will be as good as the now me wanted and if the present me would be disappointed if I knew where I ended up. That's why I work really really hard and a lot of times I forget to live in the moment x

    1. It can be really stressful cant it? But if you work hard it will be worth it, at least that's what I've been told!
      Lauren x


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